It’s been a while since I started using Manjaro with Code OSS and I love it! Code OSS is fully open source, where Microsoft VS Code comes with an additional closed-source software. More details here, but long story short, because of this difference, we may not be able to install all the extensions directly via the Code OSS (the catch is the product.json file). Github Copilot is one of them!. Luckily, we can install any extension we want via the code cli command or via CTRL + P.

  1. Go to the Visual Studio Marketplace, find github copilot and hit Download Extension. You’ll get a file ending with .vsix.
  2. Use the cli or CTRL + Shift+ P -> Extensions: Install from VSIX... and select GH Copilot file you just downloaded.
  3. Run Ctrl + Shift+ P -> Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command, and in the JSON file add the following entry: “enable-proposed-api”:[“github.copilot”] (found here)
  4. Restart Code OSS 😉

The 3rd will not be needed in the future when the proposed changes to the Code OSS api will be merged.